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Get to know me! This is my Journey.

Updated: Apr 8, 2021

Every one of us is on a journey. We all have things we struggle with. Today I want to tell the reason why I got into nutrition and let you in on my journey. A journey I am still on. I am not what you envision when you hear health coach. I am not your typical coach either: I am not a thin girl. I relate to my clients daily struggles!

I have struggled since my teens with my weight. I have yo-yo dieted, tried fads, and would ALWAYS end up larger than the past times in my weight gain. Then after having my kids my health took a turn. I started having struggles I should not have had at my age. After YEARS of back and forth with many tests and doctors I still had no diagnosis! There were assumptions and a probable autoimmune, a fatty liver, but that is where it ended. No treatment, just the suggestion to go see more doctors. Thankfully I was introduced to the movie “Forks over Knives” by a family member, which was a blessing as it opened my eyes and lead me down a path of research and realization. This is where I found my passion for health, not only mine but all of societies. My eyes were now open to the true meaning of “you are what you eat”. After putting into place what I learned I saw a change in my health, symptoms disappear, test results show normal levels all within months! Eventually I did get a proper diagnosis of my health issues, but with all the changes I put into place I was able to control symptoms and reverse my fatty liver. With the passion I had and the knowledge I learned, I knew this is what I wanted to pursue in life and I needed to teach others that we don’t have to be set up for diabetes and high blood pressure as we age. We can prevent most cases of these illnesses and many others with our food choices! So I went back to school and studied even more. But that is not where my story ends. See, covid happened. Life wasn’t normal. Stress eating took place. Goals, mentalities, and focuses set went to the back burner while the “just get through this” took front and center. The grocery stores went empty, choices changed. The holidays were different, cookies were eaten. Then Bam! After a year of eating poorly my body said, ‘hey, you're not taking care of me again’ and a thyroid flare hit. And this is where I sit today. In the aftermath of my body not in balance and the addiction of processed food back into my life. So I re-established my own goals and am set back on my journey as I set out to help others start on theirs. But this isn’t a diet; it is fueling our body with what it needs to thrive to give us the best life we can live!

Loosing weight is not the goal, it is a side effect of a healthy and balanced body. When fueling the body with the proper nutrition the body will naturally release weight. You will have more energy, reduce inflammation and regain regular body functions. Knowledge is power and along with a support system, success in regaining your health is achievable!

I encourage you to think about your diet and make one small change that will change your body for the better. Don’t know where to start? Message me to set up a free consultation and see how I can help you in your journey!

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